indian spiced zucchini

My friends have an organic farm not too far from our house. They grow delicious and exceptional quality produce for the local community. The farm was started by Matt, a construction company owner turned farmer with passion for vegetables and for sustainable agriculture. After leaving his career he began farming the land in Eastport, soon his son joined him and now together with a skilled and dedicated farm team they grow over fifty varieties of vegetables. The farm is nestled on the big parcel of pristine farmland protected by a farmland preservation program on Long Island.

Once in a while, I have fresh vegetables delivered to our home.  Last time I received a basket of gorgeous zucchini and squash.  One night I made a zucchini spaghetti with tomato sauce, but I still had a lot of leftovers. 

Matt suggested zucchini with harissa, but since I couldn’t find any (I could have sworn I had it) I changed the spices to Indian tandoori, sumac and touch of cayenne paper for heat. This dish is very simple and quick to make. I brought it as a contribution to my friends’ dinner and all the guests liked it.  I still have plenty of zucchini and squash left, so if you have any good recipes please send them my way. 


1 large onion

4 zucchinis

2 cloves of garlic

olive oil

harrisa ( or indian tandoori , sumac and cayenne pepper )

Mince garlic and sauté with some olive oil, add onion and cook until it gets soft  add diced zucchinis, sauté for 5 minutes add all the spices ( try the dish during cooking and adjust spices to your own taste) and cook for another few minutes, stirring, zucchinis should be still a little tender. Garnish with herbs, Serve warm or  cold.



1 duza cebula

4 cukinie

2 zabki czosnku


harrisa ( lub indyjskie tandoori, sumac, pieprz cayenne)

sol, pieprz

Posiekac na drobno czosnek , podsmazyc na oliwie , dodac pokrojona w kostke cebule, poddusic okolo 5 min, dodac pokrojona w kostke cukinie, pogotowac chwile na malym ogniu mieszajac, dodac przyprawy, sol, pieprz do smaku. Przybrac ziolami, poddawac na cieplo lub zimno.